Refund Policy

Refund Policy:

At Diary of a Journal Planner we offer you the best digital downloads and services possible. Here's is you refund policy:

  1. All Sales Are Final: Due to the digital nature of our products, all sales are final. Files are as shown in the images and described. Once you complete your purchase and receive the purchased item, no refunds or exchanges will be provided
  2. Refunds for Duplicated Items: Errors can happen, and I’m here to resolve them quickly. If you mistakenly buy the same digital product more than once, please reach out via email within 7 days of the purchase. I’ll review the situation and arrange a refund for the duplicate item(s).
  3. Non-delivery and Technical Issues: If you experience any technical difficulties with your digital item, such as downloading, accessing the content or fold, please contact me straight away because you should receive and be able to access your digital item without delay! Email us at, or reply to your purchase email, and we will make you receive and are able to use your purchase.
  4. Fraudulent Transactions: I take any suspicious or unauthorized transactions very seriously and this ecommerce store has systems to ensure no unauthorized transactions happen. But if you suspect any fraudulent activity, please contact me immediately and I’ll conduct a detailed investigation about your specific case.
  5. Policy Changes: This refund policy is subject to change without prior notice. Any modifications will be effective immediately and will apply to all transactions made after the policy update.


Thank you for choosing our shop! You can always email us for questions or feedback!